You should be inclined to think that a feather duster would be light and delicate enough to care for the most expensive piece of antique reproduction furniture, but experts suggest that these dusting aids can actually leave scratches. Besides, they do not remove dust; they only move it around.
To maintain antique reproduction furniture it should be kept out of the sun and stored in an area of stable humidity. Attics and basements are not the best places to store antique reproduction furniture as these areas are usually either really hot or really cold and damp. Such changes in humidity can cause the growth of mould and/or cracking of the veneer or other finish.
To maintain antique reproduction furniture it should be kept out of the sun and stored in an area of stable humidity. Attics and basements are not the best places to store antique reproduction furniture as these areas are usually either really hot or really cold and damp. Such changes in humidity can cause the growth of mould and/or cracking of the veneer or other finish.
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